Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, November 11, 2011

Big Girl

Can it really have already been over 4 months!?!
You never cease to amaze us Evie girl, you arrived when you were good and ready...and not a moment too soon. I kept saying you were a Daddy's girl because you arrived when Daddy asked you to, but you're Mama's girl too because you waited until you were officially "full-term"....exactly, to the day, 37 weeks and that had been Mama's request.

In 4 months I can't believe how much you've changed and grown!

Is it possible this shirt already fits?!?

Not long ago we were so proud when you held your head up, now you are standing!

You are a such a wonderful blessing from the Lord sweet girl and we pray we always applaud your landmarks and are proud when you reach them but also treasure each moment in the midst of them and not try to rush to the next one!
Mama and Daddy love you, Peanut!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Evie seems to be passing milestones and making new discoveries every day and I am missing posting them all on here because I am so distracted watching them!
She is discovering textures of things and especially loves two "blankies" in particular, the first is from some of Jonathan's family, Parker and Ann:

And the second is from some family friends on my side, the Yankowskys
(For those of you who might be she isn't sleeping with anything in her crib, she puts herself to sleep with it but then we take it out before we go to sleep...)

She LOVES the "I'm gonna get you...." game where she gets rasberries at the end...

Evie also really enjoys reading...especially the books she can grab and/or put in her mouth

Evie is becoming so aware of what's around her that she is rarely content for long just lying on her back, she wants to be facing outward when she's awake so she can see the world and she wants to be sitting up so she can interact, although she's not able to sit up without some creative propping right now...we're not sure where her social personality comes from...haha

(What was I thinking letting her lay back?! These pictures were literally seconds apart...she clearly was NOT interested in laying back even though she needed some help to sit up)

Here she was using the buckle to do a "sit-up" since the chair lounges back too far....she is incredibly determined!

Evie was able to go on her first hike this month! Granna and Papa were visiting and since it was one of their favorite activities when we were young, we thought it might be fun! Evie got lots of comments on being the youngest hiker...and the luckiest since her grandparents carried her!
She was SOOO sleepy here, but not wanting to miss anything!

We also had Evie's dedication while Granna and Papa were here. I'll have some other Mommy thoughts on that another time...for now I'll just post pictures
Our handsome nephew Andy was dedicated at the same time...

Thank you as always for your continued love and prayers, she is such an incredible little person and we are so blessed to be on this journey with so many people supporting us.

Monday, September 19, 2011

First Family Trip

We got to take our first trip as a family of 3 with Evie outside of Mama this weekend! It was definitely an adventure, especially since we went with Jonathan's parents, sister, brother and sister-in-law with their son Andy (12 weeks older than Evie), his Aunt and grandmothers! The two babies alone make any trip an adventure now. We had a great time enjoying the mountains of TN and some cooler weather. Evie is an outdoor girl so it was wonderful to be able to take her walking without either of us sweating.
Here are a few pictures from the weekend...
Doing VERY well on her first road-trip!
(With a little help from some entertainment Granna and Papa sent just in time...)

First trip to the aquarium...Mama and Daddy's first date was to an aquarium so we figured it was only fitting that it be her first "amusement park" (of sorts).

The whole group!

In other news, Evie is growing in leaps and bounds! She is smiling, talking, and has even started rolling over! She has shown herself to be true to her pregnancy name of "Reepicheep" who was a mouse that was known for many things we wish for Evie, including a BIG personality and strength despite a small stature...Evie has finally broken double digits and weighed 10 lbs 3 oz at the last doctor's appointment almost a month ago and she was 22 inches long. She has just passed her cousin's birthweight but what she lacks in size she definitely makes up for in personality (and lung strength...) The doctor says she's growing wonderfully!

"Tummy time" to practice rolling over!

Evie has also discovered cloth diapers (thanks JJ and JD!) and is thrilled with her hair, she has always loved playing with it and first discovered it when she was just a couple of weeks old but now she regularly plays with it (when she finds it at the back of her head, as you can see she has lost a lot of her first round of hair!)

One last discovery for now....Evie has discovered that Aunt Jessica LOVES hairbows!

Thanks for the continued prayers! We are so very blessed.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Goodbye Nuky

Dear Nuky,
You have been such a faithful friend for these past 2 months, we are so very grateful for the hours of sleep and soothing you've given our girl (and as a result, us). Although we didn't want you at first, in fact we were adamantly opposed to you being in our lives, there are times now that we can't imagine life without you. You have walked with us through many firsts in these last 2 months including:
First (and hopefully last) hospital stay

First bath

First photo shoot

First visit with Granna and Papa

First visit to Aunt Monzel's with cousin Andy

First church service

First library trip

First stroller ride (in the corner)

And most recently (today) first vaccines

And so many more firsts...for that we are forever grateful but now, as we leave Evie's second month and head towards her third, it's time for you to retire and let a new Nuky take your place, thank you for your dedication to our girl and her happiness.

Indebted for life,
Mommy and Daddy

Friday, August 26, 2011

The many faces of Evie

Someone told me once I have a very expressive face...we have been entertained to learn Evie does too! I am past due an update again but since I know most of you just want to see her pictures anyway, here's a fun slideshow of just a few of her many faces that mean...anything from "Give me food now" to "I'm busy working on a present...don't bother me" to "I'm so sleepy but I'm trying to act like I'm not so I can keep playing" and the very special smiling "I love you" and oh how much we love her!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

One month (plus some....)

I have started a "one month" post several times and just can't seem to find time to finish before she turns 2 months old I'll give a quick update:
She's incredible! She was 8 lb 6 oz and 20 1/4 inches as of the last appointment. She's growing at what we think is a ridiculous rate, she's finally fitting into all of her newborn clothes and has even worn 0-3 month outfits now! I'm sure before we know it she'll have outgrown all of those...everyone talks about how time flies when it comes to your children's growth and I can already see how true it is...just yesterday she was waking us up every 3 hours at night...oh wait, no that really was just yesterday...
Seriously though, she has changed a lot even in 6 weeks and we are so looking forward to more adventures the older she gets. She is looking more like her Daddy the older she gets (much to his joy although he tries to hide it)...but she is her Mommy's girl and inherited my personality so far. She's a girl who knows what she wants and lets you know it! She LOVES the outdoors and LOVES to move. Some might say she's already a little spoiled because Mommy walks laps with her most days...Granna and Papa (Sadie's parents) started that though, and it's really not her fault, she has two high-energy parents (and high-energy grandparents) who aren't very able to sit still so she was bound to like to move.
She's more entertaining than tv and is definitely Queen of the house most days. Her latest tricks have been "talking" and smiling intentionally...without a doubt the highlight of my day when I can get either of those to happen!
I could go on and on about how much fun we're having with her, but she's so cute and pictures are more fun anyway!

One of the pictures for her announcement....thanks to Granna and Papa for taking them!

Daddy loves his girl

Family picture

First real bath (not sponge bath)...Mommy loves her girl too

Tummy time with Papa

Outdoor time with Granna (Yes...she has them both wrapped around her finger already)

Thank you all again for continued prayers, we are so very blessed. She's healthy, growing, learning, and never ceases to amaze us.