Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Evie seems to be passing milestones and making new discoveries every day and I am missing posting them all on here because I am so distracted watching them!
She is discovering textures of things and especially loves two "blankies" in particular, the first is from some of Jonathan's family, Parker and Ann:

And the second is from some family friends on my side, the Yankowskys
(For those of you who might be she isn't sleeping with anything in her crib, she puts herself to sleep with it but then we take it out before we go to sleep...)

She LOVES the "I'm gonna get you...." game where she gets rasberries at the end...

Evie also really enjoys reading...especially the books she can grab and/or put in her mouth

Evie is becoming so aware of what's around her that she is rarely content for long just lying on her back, she wants to be facing outward when she's awake so she can see the world and she wants to be sitting up so she can interact, although she's not able to sit up without some creative propping right now...we're not sure where her social personality comes from...haha

(What was I thinking letting her lay back?! These pictures were literally seconds apart...she clearly was NOT interested in laying back even though she needed some help to sit up)

Here she was using the buckle to do a "sit-up" since the chair lounges back too far....she is incredibly determined!

Evie was able to go on her first hike this month! Granna and Papa were visiting and since it was one of their favorite activities when we were young, we thought it might be fun! Evie got lots of comments on being the youngest hiker...and the luckiest since her grandparents carried her!
She was SOOO sleepy here, but not wanting to miss anything!

We also had Evie's dedication while Granna and Papa were here. I'll have some other Mommy thoughts on that another time...for now I'll just post pictures
Our handsome nephew Andy was dedicated at the same time...

Thank you as always for your continued love and prayers, she is such an incredible little person and we are so blessed to be on this journey with so many people supporting us.


  1. Oh, and she is just so much fun!! Being a Granna is most wonderful!

  2. Great pictures. Thanks so much for sharing.
