Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Mommy Update

I signed for the first time as someone's "legal parent/guardian" weird! There is so much to update on after this (almost) first week of Evie with us outside of Mommy, so many things to be thankful for, so many unexpected blessings, but as all of you who have had newborns know, there just isn't enough time for many non-essentials as we all get settled in!
So this will be a shorter update but at one point I'll give more details on the last week and the labor story that further defined our fiesty little Yankee who came when she was good and ready, not when the doctors told us she would come (and pooped on Mommy as SOON as she came out, when they were placing her on my abdomen - thankfully not before she came out though!).
We have been home for 2 nights in a row now and are so incredibly thankful to not have any medical personnel checking on us. We are thankful they were available when Evie needed it...but even more thankful she doesn't need it now! As one of the nurses told us "it's been nice meeting you, but I hope to not see you again!"
Thank you all so very much for your prayers, love and support! Although Jaundice is common and even more common in strictly breastfed babies, it was still very scary to have our little one need to be admitted to the hospital. We have one more bilirubin check tomorrow to be sure levels are staying where they need to but it looks like we're in the clear with all that and will get to actually start settling in.
We will update again soon, but we wanted to be sure to thank everyone especially for the prayers, as Daddy said "please keep 'em coming!", we have felt them and are all home and healthy as a result of them. Thank you also for the many emails, phone calls, text messages, food brought by, and other ways of loving on the three of us!
We are so very blessed.

Evie and Daddy cuddling

Mommy and Evie "talking"