Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 8, 2011


Just kidding...everything is still pink!  Her eyes may be blue though...we had another ultrasound yesterday and got to see our beautiful, very active 1 lb 14 oz girl!  She is definitely still a girl, and she is definitely still quite active in her space.  Everything checked out beautifully, thanks for all of the prayers!  Her measurements and mine are still right where they should be without doctors having any concerns for her growth or for my risk of preterm labor.  We will be discussing a "game plan" at the next appointment, as a "just in case" kind of precaution though, so we would appreciate prayers that we never need to use that "game plan".  Right now I'm praying Evie won't be joining us until July which would be the 38 week mark - risks drop significantly after 28, then 34 is another big landmark, but we would love for her to wait until July.  Please pray for wisdom for the doctors and for us if we do need to use that "game plan", but please also pray that Evie waits a few more months and she gets to come home the same day we do!
We got to see her open her eyes yesterday!  Of course it was all on ultrasound so we couldn't see what color those beautiful eyes are but it was incredible to watch.  She still likes to tuck her hands up by her cheeks, Daddy says she looks like him...I won't disagree, he likes to tuck a hand up by his face when he sleeps too!

Here she is!  Her face is on the right side of the picture, you can see her precious pinchable cheeks, all of her right eye, her nose, lips and forehead.  Right next to the right side of her face just under her cheek is where she was bringing her hand up to her face.  Above that, the curled up weird looking thing is the umbilical cord bunched up next to her.  At the bottom is her little belly poking into the camera.  It looks blurry on the bottom edge because she was moving (of course!).  She was awake but trying to get settled in for nap time.  It was SO weird to feel her move and then see it on the screen, this was the first ultrasound where I knew I was feeling her move and we could see it too!

This is her left side view, but her face is turning away, you can just barely see her arm on the bottom, and again a hand up by her face, but there's no profile because she was turning away.  Her ribs are the lines and the top black spot is her 4-chambered heart (YAY!), the lower black spot is her stomach.

She's face down here, the "railroad tracks" along the top of the picture are her spine, although she's grown so much you can't see her whole body in a picture anymore and of course she was still moving so her face is pretty blurry!

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